Yamabuki Ogon Koi For Sale

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Yamabuki (also known as Yellow Ogon) are Koi of a solid Yellow metallic colour. When a Koi Carp is described as metallic, the easiest way of defining this by looking at the fins which will be opaque (i.e., not transparent). The skin of a metallic fish may also look reflective under certain light. Yamabuki were actually the original metallic Koi, produced by breeder Sawata Aoki in the 1940s, paving the way for all future metallic varieties of Koi Carp. 

Yamabuki on occasion may also exhibit incredibly striking, glittering scales. This phenomenon is known as Ginrin. A Yamabuki displaying such scales would therefore be known as Ginrin Yamabuki.

Yamabuki are fairly simple Koi, which do not possess the interesting and intricate patterns/colours of many other Koi varieties. Despite this, Yamabuki will often stand out in a pond, as the bright metallic lustre of this beautiful Koi’s Yellow skin penetrates through the water like a beacon. It is often said Koi ponds require Yellow to balance the colours. As a result, Yamabuki are an extremely popular addition to a Koi pond.

When selecting Yamabuki, you should be looking for a fish of high quality, with good scalation. As these are single coloured Koi, there should be no pigmentation or blemishes on the skin or head of the fish. The Yellow colour should be bright, similar to the colour of a ripe Lemon, with a metallic sheen. 

Yamabuki are commonly known as Ogon Koi (i.e. Koi of a single, solid colour). Also included in this fiercely popular group of fish is White Ogon (known as Purachina) and Orange Ogon (known as Orenji Ogon). 

It is unusual to see a Koi pond without Yamabuki, due to their colour balancing effects. Yamabuki aren’t just a great addition to a koi pond, but a necessity.