Goromo Koi For Sale

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Goromo are a unique variety of Koi Carp originally produced by crossing Kohaku with Asagi. The net result is a Koi which has the basic colour and patterning of Kohaku (i.e. White/Shiroji base skin colour and Red markings along the back) overlaid with the indigo scale reticulation (known as fukurin) seen in the Asagi. The combination of the colours seen in the parent lineages changes the vibrant primary Red of the Kohaku pattern, into the deep grape Purple which defines Goromo. 

Quite often Goromo will continue to exhibit the scale reticulation (fukurin) of Asagi specifically where the Red/Purple colour exists. This gives the patterning of Goromo a net-like quality which is very charming to look at. In certain circumstances, the patterning of a Goromo will get darker as the Koi ages.

When looking for a good Goromo you should treat the fish exactly like a Kohaku. You are looking for a Koi which has a snow-White background or base skin colour (known as Shiroji). This should be overlaid with the signature Goromo coloured patterning along the back of the fish. These colour patches should resemble random artistic brush strokes, rich in colour with solid edges. The pattern should not extend beyond the eyes or below the lateral line. 

Goromo truly are unique with their deep purple patterning… There really is nothing else in Koi keeping, quite like it. As a result, Goromo make a fantastic addition to any Koi pond.