Kujaku Koi For Sale
Kujaku translates from Japanese as ‘Peacock’, and it is not hard to understand why when you witness the beautiful colours of these stunning Koi. Kujaku were created by crossing Goshiki with Ogon Koi (i.e. Koi of a single colour such as Purachina). The result is a Koi Carp with a solid, metallic White background or base skin colour, accentuated with a much darker, almost Black scale reticulation or net-like pattern (known as Fukurin).
When a Koi Carp is described as metallic, the easiest way of defining this by looking at the fins which will be opaque (i.e. not transparent). The skin of a metallic fish may also look reflective under certain light – not to be confused with Gin Rin. This is then overlaid with dramatic Orange markings in a style similar to Kohaku.
Kujaku were first conceived in the early 1960s by Nishi Hirasawa. Kujaku were originally shown under Hikarimoyo Koi category – Koi demonstrating 2 (or more) metallic colours such as Hariwake. Since then, Kujaku have grown in immense popularity. The parental lineages have been made genetically stronger and they are now often shown in their own Koi category.
When selecting Kujaku you should be looking for a high-quality fish with Orange patterning which resembles random artistic brush strokes, rich in colour with solid edges. As this is a metallic fish, the lustre of the skin is considered to be incredibly important, and the fins should be of a single opaque colour with no blemishes. The scale reticulation/Fukurin should be consistent and strong throughout the body of the fish. Finally, and most importantly the Kujaku in question, should be pleasant to look at.
Kujaku are a much-loved variety of Koi and as a result make a fantastic addition to any Koi pond.